MJ Jones (pronouns: they/them/theirs), a Southern California native, is a Nationally Certified ASL Interpreter in the Washington, D.C area. MJ has a B.A. in Deaf Studies (Interpreter Education Program track) and a minor in Queer Studies from California State University of Northridge (CSUN). In 2019, they received their M.A. in International Development at Gallaudet University. Additionally, MJ has participated and completed the following trainings: DeafBlind Interpreting Institute, Project Climb Legal Training and the Certificate in Healthcare Interpreting program at National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID). MJ’s interpreting specialties include, Medical, Secondary Education and Racial and Gender Justice. 

They recently published, “Where are My People? The Case for Culturally Competent Interpreters” in the Special Issue: Disability Justice, Race and Education of the Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity (JCSCORE).

In their spare time, they enjoy hiking, cooking and hanging out with their partner Mandy, and their cats River and Rae. 
